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Introducing Louchie Baby

Updated: Sep 27, 2022

Louchie Baby - the name come from my 2 little boys Louie & Archie.. Louie has just turned 2 and Archie has just turned 4.

When having my boys I was overwhelmed by the amount of gifts we received from friends, family members & colleagues. Now, one thing I did realise it a lot of the gifts we received were clothes, as adorable as they all were, neither boys wore half of them. They grow so quickly.. Some clothes weren't the easiest to get them in and out of and we all know how the first for weeks mamas need everything as easy as possible.

I always resorted to clothes when I was buying baby gifts, once I had my boys I thought twice about it but I really struggled to find something a bit different that is practical and wouldn't get put at the back of a cupboard.

And that's when Louchie Baby was formed.
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